Legutóbbi tartalom: ju_n7

  1. ju_n7

    Kötés, horgolás 2019. szeptember 29-től

    It's Brazil. Each country and language has its way of communicating, I'm willing to know yours. Thank you so much for your comprehension. I'm still learning too and I really like this forum ^^. I feel so bad that this caused confusion, I never thought I was being rude (as I said, here it is very...
  2. ju_n7

    Kötés, horgolás 2019. szeptember 29-től

    Oh I'm so sorry, it was a friendy laugh, I didn't mean to mock or anything! We use to talk like that in my country, so it was just a form of expression. So sorry! I'm not familiar with your language and your way to express friendly, but always willing to learn! Thank you!
  3. ju_n7

    Kötés, horgolás 2019. szeptember 29-től

    Just an observation: this is portuguese haha ^^!
  4. ju_n7

    Kötés, horgolás 2019. szeptember 29-től

    Hello, everyone :))) Does anyone have that pattern, please?
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