Legutóbbi tartalom: mmmmm

  1. mmmmm

    Ferenc pápa átírná a Miatyánkot

    A katolikusok pont olyan Istenben hisznek, akinek csak jó tulajdonságai vannak, aki (még Szaraszvatínál is jobb ezek szerint, mert) soha nem hagy magadra, mindig, mindenkivel foglalkozik (akármennyire reménytelen eset is valaki), és egyáltalán nem büntet, nem visz kísértésbe, nem éget...
  2. mmmmm

    How students would change Hungarian secondary schools

    Solutions 2nd Edition - Pre-Intermediate - Workbook CD: https://sachtienganhhn.net/audio-stream/solutions-pre-intermediate-2nd-workbook-audio-cd.html
  3. mmmmm

    How students would change Hungarian secondary schools

    And if you want to learn how to - use a computer - build a house - breed sheep - play chess - grow plants - repair your washing-machine - do origami - etc. you can read it in a book or online, too. Does that mean it's enough to teach kids how to read and after that it's not important for them to...
  4. mmmmm

    How students would change Hungarian secondary schools

    Well, I'm not sure they know. :) You and I are here to listen to them but most of them are not really willing to share their ideas. (They just want to get the homework done, i. e. to post at least one comment here.) A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step. :)
  5. mmmmm

    How students would change Hungarian secondary schools

    :) I wonder what the others will say (including those who haven't even registered yet...).
  6. mmmmm

    How students would change Hungarian secondary schools

    Yes, I know what you mean, but this year the 22nd December is still a school day (Friday) and Sunday (the 24th) is Christmas Eve already:dr_33:. I think it is absolutely awful. I would rather have the week before Christmas off than a week now. All Saints' Day (1st Nov) would be a day off school...
  7. mmmmm

    How students would change Hungarian secondary schools

    Now for nine whole days (plus one extra hour :cool:) there's so you can spend more time here again. ;) By the way, do you think it's very important to have an autumn break? Don't you think we should have a longer winter holiday instead?
  8. mmmmm

    How students would change Hungarian secondary schools

    Have you seen the posters? Halloween party Tomorrow (Thursday) 5 pm English classroom Halloween party Tomorrow (Thursday) 5 pm English classroom
  9. mmmmm

    How students would change Hungarian secondary schools

    Are you trying to say that everybody should learn History? Even students who want to be doctors or workers at Los Alamos?
  10. mmmmm

    How students would change Hungarian secondary schools

    I don't think it's so simple... You never know how many times you will change your mind before you grow up... Lots of people are unsure because they are interested in lots of things and/or because they are good at all kinds of subjects and/or because they always do the same thing in their free...
  11. mmmmm

    How students would change Hungarian secondary schools

    Did you all see this? That's a good point, isn't it? Wouldn't it be enough to have lessons for things that you cannot learn without the school? You could learn everything else without going to school, and then you wouldn't have to spend so much time at school. Perhaps we should try to make two...
  12. mmmmm

    How students would change Hungarian secondary schools

    You can learn that as part of your History studies. Isn't that enough?
  13. mmmmm

    How students would change Hungarian secondary schools

    Well, yes, some say if you know how to read, you know how to cook. :)
  14. mmmmm

    How students would change Hungarian secondary schools

    Do they teach Practical Money Skills, too? Do you also think that it would be useful for you? If yes: but why if you don't even get pocket money? (I used to study Economics at the secondary school. It included things like finance... It was dead boring, I can tell you...)
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