Legutóbbi tartalom: TheCommunistPhantom

  1. T

    How students would change Hungarian secondary schools

    The history lessons in this world is too simplified. You dont know the real things. [That is the matter with capitalism, the leaders want to teach idiots in schools, we have to rebel:rohog:]
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    How students would change Hungarian secondary schools

    If you are want to be a doctor, you have to learn biologie. If you want to be a worker in Los Alamos you have to learn physics and chemistry etc. DA?
  3. T

    How students would change Hungarian secondary schools

    You are sooooooooooooooo LAZY!!!
  4. T

    How students would change Hungarian secondary schools

    English, Maths, IT, 2nd language, car driving and one natural science lesson (physics, biologie...). [ALSO we have to learn communist ideologies for example, Leninism.]
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