Legutóbbi tartalom: Torkos Béla

  1. Torkos Béla

    Why do we have to speak English?

    Although I have uploaded this grammar several times, if I search for it in the Search offer it can never be found. I do not know why. What should I write in the square space to find it?
  2. Torkos Béla

    Why do we have to speak English?

    I get lost among the forums, somebody was asking for a logical, understandable English grammar, which is compact and comprehensive. Very unmodestly I repeat my offer here for my grammar.
  3. Torkos Béla

    Why do we have to speak English?

    English is a must today. My father was wise and had the right perspective of the future when he suggested I should study English as a main subject in Hungary. This provides a living here, though you have to work hard. But still. Of course, the reason for English to have attained this role lies...
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