Legutóbbi tartalom: wolverine5

  1. W

    Jelenléti iv

  2. W

    Burda szabas-varras /ruha, nadrag, etc/

    Nagyon jók, köszi az ötletet!
  3. W

    The greatest novell I´ve ever read

    Ken Follett: Pillars of the Earth
  4. W


    Thank goodness I don't live there
  5. W

    Holiday Tips

    I like your dos and don'ts.
  6. W

    The greatest novell I´ve ever read

    I am going to look for several of these books.
  7. W

    why the English language is so hard to learn:

    I love the post.
  8. W

    There's soy sauce ...

    I can see both sides of the story.
  9. W

    second life

    sounds like a movie plot
  10. W

    Over 35 ?

    it's amazing so many of us are still aroung
Oldal tetejére